
Dates of Discovery 

1.  I have an old American history book that was published in 1885.  It gives two different stories of where the Book of Mormon came from.  
       The first story is that it was translated from ancient records, coming from "a bundle of golden ... plates".  
       The second story is that it is a romance novel a "sort of romance".
2.  Both cannot be true.
3.  If it is true history than there should be archeology evidence which would agree with the historical information given in the Book of Mormon.
4.  There were no significant archeology publications available to Joseph Smith when the of the Book of Mormon was first published.
5.  There has been and there will continue to be 1,000's of Archeology discovery's that agree and will agree exactly with the writings in the Book of Mormon.


 1830  The Book of Mormon was translated into English and the first published on March 26, 1830.  

This was 11 years before any significant archeology books or publications were published and/or available in the United States on Mesoamerica, Central or South America.
1831--John Lloyd Stephens published for the first time in 1841 The Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. This book was about John Lloyd Stephens’s travels in Mesoamerica and contained drawings of various ruins giving information on many ancient cities dating back to the Book of Mormon time period.

1908 -- Steel used in the pre-Columbus Western Hemisphere.
Published for the first time in english, by Bernal Diaz del Castillo The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico.
by an Aztec chieftain noticed that "...the [Spanish] soldiers had a [steel] helmet like the one that they possessed which had been left to them by their Ancestors…." The Aztecs did not work with steel but they had found a helmet left over from a race of ancient people who did work with iron and steel. Steel utilized as recorded in the Book of Mormon.

1912 --An observational discovery back in 1912.
The Pre-Columbus ancient buildings of Mesoamerica match, similar buildings in Babylonia, as reconstructed from their ruins, the Ancient Egypt & Mesopotamia, 1450 B.C. buildings.

1931 --Morris, Charlot and Morris made an illustration and study of the Temple of the Warriors at Chichen Itza Yucatan. These murals depicting white and dark people showing the white people being defeated in war and in bondage to the dark-skinned people.

1939 -- The Discovery of the Tree of Life Stone or “Stela 5” stone carving.
This "Stela 5" stone carving was found in October 1939, it stood in the temple courts  at the ancient ruin city called "Izapa" in the South Western corner of Mexico.
There are many similarities that correlate to the “Stela 5” stone carving to Lehi’s Dream in the Book of Mormon.

1941 -- The Discovery of a pre-dated Maya race of people called the Olmecs.
A shocking discovery to almost all of the worlds archaeologists was the evidence of the discovery of a pre-dated Maya race of people called the Olmecs.
In July 7, 1941 at a conference sponsored by the Mexican Society of Anthropology two Mexican archaeologists Alfonso Caso and Miguel Covarrubias, along with a great American archaeologist, Matthew Stirling, calmly proclaimed that a culture that has become known as the Olmecs was the mother culture of Mexico. 

1947 -- The Discovery of murals depicting dark and light-colored Indians.
It was not until 1947 that the discovery of murals depicting dark and light-colored Indians painted on the interior walls of a temple was found in the southern jungles of Mexico. 
A Charles (Carlos) Frey, from Chicago, decided to get completely away from civilization so he went in the jungles of the Usumacinta, a river basin near the southern borders of Mexico.  He joined a group of Mayans Lacandon Indians.  He lived with them and married one of their women.  Later after living with them for years he noticed that from time to time
the men left without him.  He persuaded them to take him to where they were going.   He was led by these Maya to ‘Bonampak’ or the “Temple of the Painted Walls.” (Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, p. 135)

1967 -- The Discovery of Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon.
In 1967 a young missionary in Germany, John W. Welch, discovered Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon.  Later in 1969 "... John [W. Welch], announced in an academic journal the remarkable discovery that an ancient and highly specialized Hebrew literary style could be found throughout the Book of Mormon. A world-famous, non-Mormon scholar called it the “most stunning information I’ve learned concerning the Book of Mormon.”   Chiasmus

1934 -- Expedition Discovery/ Dated in 1970 -- The Discovery of Defensive Earthworks at Becan, Campeche, Mexico. 
In 1970, archeology work was done by Tulane University at Becan in the Yucatan Peninsula. A ditch surrounds the center of the site almost two kilometers in circumference and averaging sixteen meters across. The makers had piled the earth to form a ridge on the inner side of the ditch. David Webster described the military effect of this fortification.   Defensive Earthworks

1976 -- In 1976, first LDS explorers—Lynn and Hope Hilton—sought to verify a specific site for Bountiful in their groundbreaking, though brief, trek into Khor Kharfot, Oman. Consistent with Nephi’s description, Khor Kharfot is “the most fertile coastal location on the Arabian Peninsula with abundant freshwater, large trees, fruit, and vegetation.  Khor Kharfot in Oman matches and is consistent with Nephi’s description of the place they called “Bountiful.

1983 -- The Discovery of Barley in the Pre-Columbus Western Hemisphere.
The Book of Mormon records that the Nephite civilization used "barley" as one of their basic grains.  (Mosiah 7:22)
Domesticated barley had never been found in the "New World" until 1983.
The December 1983 issues of science reported the first discovery in Arizona of what appears to be domesticated pre-Columbian barley. In addition, biologist Howard Stutz has indicated that three types of wild barley have long been known to be native to the Americas.  It is claimed that the Hohokam site in Arizona containing barley was inhabited the area between 300 BC and 1450 AD  The non-LDS author of this article suggested that the barley might have been imported from Mexico at a very early date. Wheat, Corn, Barley, Neas and Sheum

1988 -- Iron sword from the time of Jeremiah discovered near Jericho.
Steel utilized as recorded in the Book of Mormon.

2008 February -- An Ancient Iron Mine was discovered in the Peruvian Andes.
 "The find offers proof that an ancient people in the Andes mined hematite iron ore centuries before the Inca Empire..." The iron "was used...from about 100 BC to around 600 AD".  
Steel utilized as recorded in the Book of Mormon.

2008 March -- News from the Vatican
The gospel of Jesus Christ was preached in the western hemisphere before Columbus. The Vatican published on March 31, 2008, in its official newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, an article declaring that the gospel of Jesus Christ was preached in the western hemisphere before the arrival of Columbus.  The Vatican declares that the gospel was taught before Columbus.

2013 -- DNA and the Book of Mormon, (National Geographic, Nov. 20, 2013)
DNA and the Book of Mormon, "Great Surprise" "Nearly one-third of Native American genes come...from people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome."  

Additional information will be added and new discoveries will continually come forth.


Charting a Few Interesting Dates, Events & Discoveries
400 AD to 2010 AD

Chronology Dates of Events

A few examples of the many Historical and Archeological discoveries that gives supporting evidence of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

When the Book of Mormon in 1830 AD was translated and published into English that historical-scriptural-record, claimed many strange things.  In the 1830s, most of these claims the general educated scholars and/or public had no way of proving that such claims were true.


Archaeology Evidence in 1842 confirmed.

As time goes on there has been and will continue to be archaeological discoveries that  will in the future continue to supported the fact, that the Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ and a true historical-scriptural-record. 

Archaeology Evidence in 2005 confirmed.


(Phil Michel)
Archaeology Evidence in 2020 confirmed. 
