He Raised a Man from the Dead"

"And it came to pass that  he, [Jesus]... raised a man from the dead..."  (3 Nephi 7:15)
   << Father Bernardo de Lizana, or also referred to as Father Francisco Javierde Lizana y Beaumont.

Bernardo de Lizana, did missionary work among the Itza-Maya Indians of Yucatan during the first century of the Spanish Conquest. In his History of Yucatan and Spiritual Conquest, written in 1633, Lizana maintained that:
"Chief of the beneficent gods [of the Itza-Mayas] was Itzamná."

Itzamna was a God, according to the Maya sacred books, who was held in the highest veneration, being regarded as a universal deity.  The Indians claimed that this person was the Son of the Most High God. Itzamna had come to earth and had lived among the ancestors of the Itza-Mayas. He, according to Lizana, had taught the ancient inhabitants of Yucatan to read and write. He had given them their government and was the founder of their religion.
Quotes from Bernardo de Lizana:
"Itzamná was called Kabul, the Skillful Hand, with which he performed miracles, curing the sick by placing his hands on them. He was a king, a priest, a legislator, a ruler of benevolent character, like Christ...."
"The people consulted him [Itzamná] about things that happened in some remote parts and he told them of present and future things."
"At the same time they carried their dead to him and he brought them back to life, and the sick got well, and for this he was greatly venerated and with reason, for if it were true that he was a Son of God, who only can give life to the dead, and health to the sick, since it is impossible for an ordinary man, nor the demons, but only the same God [whom the Christians worship], who is the Lord of life and death."
"The people . . . said he resurrected and cured them"


In speaking of the death of Itzamná, Bernardo de Lizana wrote:

"Thus passed Itzamná, this reputed Son of God—perhaps our Christian God under another name... the Itzas believed that his soul went to dwell with his Heavenly Father."   (Historia de Yucatan, by Bernardo de Lizana, cited in T. A. Willard, Kukulcan the Bearded Conqueror,., p. 127, pp. 151-152 & pp. 148-149)


 <<  Eric S. Tompson
“Itzam Na,", [or Quetzalcoatl], "was also... able to cue the sick and even bring the dead to life.”  (J. Eric S. Thompson, The Rise and Fall  of Maya Civilization, p.229) 







<< Pedro Cieza de León  was a Spanish conquistador and chronicler of Peru. 

Cieza arrived in Perú in 1548 and became one of the most prominent early historians of ancient Perú as he interviewed many of the wise men and nobles of the Incas.
Pedro Cieza de León  recorded the following:




 << The second part of the Chronicle of Peru 

 Published in English in 1883

"Before the lncas reigned in these kingdoms... there came…a white man of great stature, who, by his aspect and presence, called forth great veneration, [regard with great respect], and obedienceThis man who thus appeared had great power, insomuch that he could change plains into mountains, and great hills into valleys….  As soon as such power was beheld, the people called him the Maker of created things, the Prince of all things,…they say that he performed other wonders, giving life to men...."  (The second part of the Chronicle of Peru, p. 5-6, by Pedro de Cieza de León

[Pedro de Cieza de León is known primarily for his history and description of Peru, Crónicas del Perú. He wrote this book in four parts, but only the "First Part of his Chronicles of Peru", was published during his lifetime; this "The Second part of the Chronicles of Peru", which contains the above information, and "the remaining sections were not published until the 19th and 20th centuries.")