
Hebrewic Construct State in The Book of Mormon

The many constrictive state of two nouns one after another gives supporting evidence that the original writers of the Book of Mormon had a Hebrew background.

The usage wherein two nouns are placed one after the other because they are in close grammatical relationship one to another is not commonly used in the English language.   
In Hebrew, we find such expressions as these, extracted from numerous verses in the Book of Mormon:

"altar of stones"   (1 Nephi 2:7)
"state of probation"  (2 Nephi 2:21)
"words of plainness"  (Jacob 4:14)
"land of promise"   (1 Nephi 5:5) 
(1 Nephi 5:22(1 Nephi 7:13) (1 Nephi 12:1,4 (1 Nephi 17:33,42 (2 Nephi 1:3,5,10,24) (Ether 2:7-9)
"plates of brass"    (1 Nephi 4:16)    The "plates of Brass" statement is listed 28 times.
"chains of hell"    (Alma 5:7,9-10) (Alma 12:11) (Alma 13:30) (Alma 26:14)
"mist of darkness"   (1 Nephi 8:23-24)
"plates of gold"   (Mosiah 28:11)
"plates of Nephi"   (1 Nephi 9:2)     The "plates of Nephistatement is listed 28 times.
"night of darkness"   (Alma 34:33) (Alma 41:7)
"rod of iron"   (1 Nephi 8:19-20,24,30) (1 Nephi 11:25) (1 Nephi 15:23)
  The normal English language order of words would be "iron rod".  Example: "The Iron Rod"  "The Iron Rod"
"bands of death"   (Mosiah 15:8-9,20,23) The "bands of death" statement is listed 11 times in the Book of Mormon.
"voice of the people"   (Alma 51:7,15-16) The "voice of the people" is listed 20 times in the Book of Mormon.

Examples of a few Hebrewic Construct State in the Bible are as follows;
"Altar of stones"   (Deuteronomy 27:5)
"land of Promise"   (Hebrews 11:9)
"mist of darkness"   (2 Peter 2:17)
"plates of brass"   (1 Kings 7:30)

"rod of iron"   (Revelation 2:27) (Revelation 12:5) (Revelation 19:15) (Psalms 2:9)
"plates of brass"   (1 Kings 7:30)
"voice of the people"   (1 Samuel 8:7)

Joseph Smith's language and heritage was English.  
An example of construct state order of words are as follows:

"plates of gold"              

English    "gold plates"         

Joseph Smith writings"    "gold plates"  (Joseph Smith History 1:34,64)

Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon.  He translated it.  Therefore the Hebrew characteristics were passed on in the translation from Reformed Egyption into English.