Ice Core Samples Give Evidence of Volcanic Destruction around the Year 34 AD
“Is there any evidence from ice cores of a volcanic eruption around the time of Christ’s death?
The short answer is yes…
My purpose in this paper was to lay out the ice-core evidence for a volcanic eruption around the time of Christ’s death that might be correlated with the destruction discussed in 3 Nephi. There is evidence for large eruptions, within the margin of error, for the period of A.D. 30 to 40.
…it cannot be argued that there is no evidence outside the Book of Mormon for a volcanic eruption during that time period…there is evidence for volcanic eruptions during the time period described in 3 Nephi 8.”
Volcanic Destruction in the Book of Mormon Possible Evidence from Ice Cores, (Benjamin R. Jordan, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, Vol. 12, #1 Article 10)