Testimonies and Stories
What is that Book?
"I have had three dreams that you have a book that is a history of some ancient people who lived in the Americas.
What is that book?" (A statement and question to Phil Michel by one of his relatives.) -
Experiences in Guatemala
In 1956, a Cakchiquel Maya man named Daniel Mich who was living in Patzicia Guatemala and not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-day Saints, and not knowing anything about the Church. Had a vision, or a dream in which he saw the Prophet of the Church who at that time, was President David O. Mckay.
My Grandfather's Dream
Vincenzo Di Francesca
Yes that's True. Yes that's Correct!
An old native Indian living a thousand miles from Mexico City way out in the Yucatan jungle. After being told for the first time, by Jack West, some of the history in the Book of Mormon and the coming of Jesus Christ to his ancestors, made the following statement- "Yes, that's true. Yes that's correct!""
18-Year Old Sarah Conrad
The Room was Filled as if with Consuming Fire
We Followed the Path
A Dream that Two Young Men knocked on my door
William Carpenter - Catholic to Missionary
Bill Carpenter while on his mission meet a 83-year-old women named Loretta. She was given a Book of Mormon to read by the Missionaries. But then Elder Carpenter and his companion did not know that Loretta eyesight had deteriorated over the years so much so that she had not been able to read anything for over 15 years. But upon receiving the book of Mormon as she told the Missionaries God gave her, her eyesight back long enough to enable her to finish reading the whole Book of Mormon. She was baptized, joined the Church, received her Patriarchal Blessing, had the Elders read it to her, because she was no longer able to see good enough after she finished the book of Mormon. She died that night after her Patriarchal Blessing was read to her.
Miracles - Elder Matthew Cowley
Miracles - Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Protect Me on My Way
Strike the Steel
They Lied To Me
Miracles - To Him That Believeth
The Resurrection of a Little Girl
Raised from The Dead
The Plates Were Shining...Like the Sun
Pāora Te Potangaroa's Prophecy
The Kilauea Volcano and a Prophet
A Prophet's Warning
The Dream Seemed Meaningless
The Entire Hip Joint...Had Been Shot Away
Can I Help You?
Beautiful Building in His Dream
In 1965, Obinna had a vision, [or a dream], in which Jesus Christ showed him rooms in a beautiful building. In 1971, he found an article in Reader's Digest, which had a picture of this building, and he discovered it was the Salt Lake Temple of the LDS Church.
An Impression to Stop
Testimony of Phil Michel & Family